and Autism
Removing Traumas and Hidden Blockages - the Heilkunst Approach based on Romantic Science
Dynamic Medicine identifies hidden blockages that have resulted mostly from past traumas.
These blockages can involve physical and emotional traumas, iatrogenic diseases (drugs, vaccinations), and inherited disease conditions. These are treated sequentially according to natural law principles using our clinically-proven method called Heilkunst.
Bioresonance analysis and treatment are used during sequential treatment in otherwise hidden, complex blockages that arise.
Treatment for any acute condition is always addressed first, before commencing the deeper, more systematic sequential treatment.
Visit our International Autism Center resource site!
(Sam's case) Sam’s (not his real name) chief complaint was recurrent viral infections. He had chronic gastro-esophageal reflux, which was worse in Spring, and severe asthma with strider. The reflux began when he was one year old, about the same time he was weaned and solid food was introduced. The physicians advised that he would outgrow it, so they didn’t treat it at that time. He then began projectile vomiting and was diagnosed with many food allergies....